Habitat Friends & Family,

We celebrated the dedication of House #110 on June 27th and were able to get the Luna family into their new home on July 12th! House #111 is nearing completion with a few minor details to complete and landscaping to be scheduled in the near future. Wayne has the site prep done and the slab ready to build on for House #112 at 70 Fern Court. With the lack of available workers, the projected starting date will be delayed once again to November 5th. We are still hoping for a sponsor for that build, but we understand many of our long-time corporate partners have limited funding and other priorities currently. This home will be partially sponsored by funds provided by our first “Wedding Registry” couple, Andrew & Christina! We can hardly wait to celebrate this generous show of support by this wonderful young couple!
A few minor work projects with a few brave volunteers contributing their time have kept us active on the construction side of Habitat. Our electrical team leader for the past several years, Don Dyer, has decided to hand off the reins of that team and volunteer in other areas of our construction. Ron Bachman, who has been a valuable member of that team for many years, has graciously volunteered to step up to take control of the electrical team. Our sincere thanks go out to Don for all he has done to develop & manage that part of the construction! Thank you also to Ron for taking control and keeping the team together!
I urge everyone to continue to do everything you can to keep yourselves and your family and friends safe during these trying times. Pray for those who have suffered setbacks or losses from COVID. And pray for peace and tolerance throughout our nation and the world in the days to come. Please feel free to contact me any time if you need help with anything or just have “cabin fever” and want to talk or share ideas!
Building Homes, Communities, & Hope +You